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Large Staffing Deployment Firm

Emergency Response Staffing

Hero Staffing applies our field experience to carry out the mission of helping people before, during, and after disasters to ensure resiliency.

Emergency Staffing Firm

Displaced Families

Emergency Response Firm

Hurricane and Flood

Emergency Response Firm


Emergency Response Firm

Forest Fires

“As a front-line emergency responder, I have seen incredible bravery. It is my mission to give the hero’s on the front line, as much personal support - as they give those in-need day-after-day.”

April Patrick, President

emergency management staffing

Urgent Staffing

Access to hundreds of clinical and non-clinical support staff.
emergency management staffing

Emergency Management

Our on-site support staff will assist with the logistics of crisis control.
emergency management staffing

Hospital Support

Field hospital management and the coordination of healthcare services.
emergency management staffing

Border Support

Experienced staff in providing assistance and care to displaced families.
April Patrick

Hero Staffing

4242 Six Forks Road
Suite 1550
Raleigh, NC 27609